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Updated: May 24, 2021

Check in with us on TikTok and get exclusive intimate performances LIVE

Get live updates Halloween Night until All Soul's Day @midnightfreakshow on TikTok. SCAB walks you through the toxic flesh-eating zone with new tracks pumping through your speakers!

Our annual Halloween TikToks take you into the Radiation Fallout...and the infected who roam the forbidden zone. Listen to some of our favorite songs from the most bizarre year in the history of mankind on our @midnightfreakshow account. The bizarre SCAB is eager to meet creatures even his warped mind could never imagine. Join us October 31, 2021 more electrifying interactions!

Our first episode of the season brings takes you into the Radiation Fallout...and the infected who roam the forbidden zone. Listen to some of our favorite songs from the most bizarre year in the history of mankind on our @midnightfreakshow account. The bizarre SCAB is eager to meet creatures even his warped mind could never imagine. Join the electrifying interactions on the app!C

(#28DaysLater #Nightmare #Halloween)

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california brent
california brent
Mar 31, 2021

The world is FREAKY at MIDNIGHT!


Mar 25, 2021

Tik Tok will never be the same!!!!

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